T3 Dance, Drama, Music, Art

Big question:
What is my Place?

Big idea:
Being creative is a way to express our identity.

Skill focus:
The children will be able to participate and contribute demonstrating creativity.

Key Competency:
Participating and Contributing

Deep understandings
The children will understand that:
            ●  there are different ways to be creative
            ●  we all have ideas to contribute through our participation

I made a rainmaker in music and also a paper plate drum

I went to Music and Dance.

Term 3 Mathematics - Measurement

We are learning to work with a partner to measure snakes in centimetres. 
We know we can do this when . . .
  • we can estimate what it will measure
  • we measure from the mark on the ruler or the tape measure
  • we measure right to the end of the snake.

This was fun because we got to eat them in the end.